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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pictures from Anuradhapura ancient city

Anuradhapura ancient city is spread over large area and mainly consist of ruins of temples and stupa. If you want to explore all these places and ruins, it will take several weeks or perhaps months. But a weekend is sufficient to have a good observation of main places (list of must visit places will be posted soon). It is better to have a map from Archeology department to identify ruins and a bicycle to travel along footpaths.

Path to Sri Mahabodhi

Lion Image from a Stone Pillar

Isurumuni Lovers (Isurumuniya Viharaya)

(Thanks to Bishan Rajapakse for the photograph)
Jethwana Stupa -Constructed by King Mahasen 276 - 303 AD (This is the world largest brick monument -140 meters height and 370 meters diameter - seconds only to the largest pyramid in Egypt from few meters. But pyramids were made out of stone blocks, not bricks)

Royal Family (Stone Carving from Isurumuniya Viharaya)

Section of Moon Stone

Remaining of a Stone Bridge (Gal palama). This stone bridge across Malwathu Oya was part of the main route to Mannar harbor which was the main harbor for the country during Anuradhapura era.

A remaining wall of the place of King Vijayabahu (1056). The ancient plaster and some colour lines are still visible. This is the only royal palace ruins found in ancient Anuradhapura.

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